
WordPress Integration Highlights

  • Your TRIBUS platform is backed by all the power of WordPress
  • All TRIBUS custom websites are built on this platform

Unlike most real estate brokerage platforms, we avoid using proprietary systems for your website. Instead we build on the most widely accepted and adopted website platform in use today — WordPress. However, we use a highly modified version of WordPress that we built at TRIBUS just for real estate purposes. This makes using WordPress much easier for your agents while leveraging the newest and best web technologies like Single Page App architecture. Using Node / Vue to build the front end of your website gives a tremendous speed advantage (check out what we were able to achieve with Climb Real Estate) while the backend being in WordPress makes your real estate brokerage website very extensible now and in the future!

Clients love this approach because it means their site will never hit a brick wall when it comes to development.

We hear all of the time that clients believe WordPress isn’t powerful enough to power a brokerage website. This is one of those misnomers that is perpetuated by the competition that suggest only their proprietary systems can handle this. The truth is that over 25 percent of the top 1 million sites on the Internet are powered by this platform. Sites like The New York Times, CNN, Mashable, TechCrunch, and plenty more are all powered by them.

And just to give you peace of mind, we have a team of systems administrators working 24/7 to make sure your website does not have any problems — we actually offer all of our clients a full SLA – Service Level Agreement.

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