Don’t Let Your Leads Wander: Wistia for Real Estate Brokerages

You’ve worked hard to bring visitors to your site. You’ve produced some great video content, uploaded it to YouTube, and easily embedded your videos into your TRIBUS real estate website. After a few clicks, a new visitor lands on a page with your embedded real estate market update video. They love your video, love the area, and are getting more and more interested in buying a home in your market. Great! This is where YouTube steps in and throws a monkey wrench in your plans. Did you really put all that work into your real estate website just to see a YouTube logo affiliated with your brand and marketing material?  Wistia is fully integrated with TRIBUS.  And with Wistia for real estate as a paid service, your brand is your own and they will not insert their logo, all while drawing in leads and keeping them consistently engaged. 

YouTube vs. Wistia for Real Estate

YouTube wants your traffic. Once your carefully crafted video concludes, YouTube displays a series of other, similar videos your visitor might also enjoy. Your visitor may leave your site to continue watching market videos from other realtors (or a compilation of adorable kittens). While this is precisely what YouTube hopes to accomplish as a social networking hub; it just doesn’t serve your business very well. Your potential lead was ultimately directed away from your carefully curated site to become someone else’s potential lead. 

Learn About Our New Ads and Leads Program - TRIBUS Engage

Using Wistia for real estate credits your site with the unique video content, and does not leech off your content to boost its own network’s search ranking. Unique video content carries a lot of SEO value. When you host with YouTube, your site does not get credit for your unique real estate video content.

With Wistia, you are in complete control of the platform and the content. Your videos can feature your own unique calls to action, with both linked annotations throughout and a custom message shown at the end to link them elsewhere, keeping them engaged with your site even after the video’s done. Unlike YouTube, which is a social networking tool designed to bring visitors to YouTube, Wistia will not promote other content to your viewers. On Wistia, you may choose to promote your other videos at the end of your video, but it will not automatically advertise outside material.

Using Wistia for Real Estate for Lead Analytics 

As a business tool, using Wistia for real estate provides more comprehensive analytical tools to monitor viewer activity. You can see what parts of your video are rewatched, what parts are skipped, and the exact moment when a viewer stopped watching. Wistia helps you see precisely what does and does not keep your visitors engaged in your video content, so you can more effectively convert your traffic to leads.

Embedding a Wistia video on your TRIBUS real estate website is easy! Simply paste the URL of the video onto its own line in the Page or Post editor. No plugins, iframes, or shortcodes needed! From there, share it in a drip or blast email, or share it to your social channels. TRIBUS is directly integrated with this service, so there’s basically no end to the ways you can use it. You can read all about our integration here.

In fact, we use Wistia for our own video content marketing, and for internal use, like training videos and how-to guides. Check out one of our videos below:



YouTube is free, while Wistia has a free plan to take it for a test spin and then starts at $99 per month for the full set of features. YouTube is a fantastic platform for quickly and easily sharing your video content, but you may find Wistia to be the superior platform when your goals include driving (and keeping!) traffic to your site, improving conversions, and increasing viewer engagement with your content. You can learn more about this service on their website.

Randy is a technical support aficionado with a client-first mentality. He's an expert at getting to yes. He is an innovator in designing value-add services to develop lifelong client relationships, and now educates and empowers our clients to utilize the advantages of TRIBUS products.
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